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The Eliminator (2004)

Director: Ken Barbet
Cast: Michael Rooker, Bas Rutten, Dana Lee, G. Anthony Joseph, Wolf Muser, Marco Ruas, Michael Gregory, Gareth Myles, Geoffrey Forward, Jamal Duff, Ivo Cutzarida, Danielle Burgio, Paul Logan, Vicki Phillips, Stephen Wozniak, Liam Fountain, Phi-Long Nguyen, Brett London, Tony Boldi, Christie Campagna, Britt George, Brynn Lucas, Michael Macy, Neil Patil, Roger Ranney, Kevin Rego, Brett Rice, Mo Rogers, Shawn Savage, Rodney Sciba


Former LAPD cop, Dakota Varley (played by UFC champion Bas Rutten), enters a power boat race seeking the prize of $250,000, but immediately discovers, first hand, that this race's risk matches the prize: one racer is killed, 3 others seriously injured in multiple action-packed crashes and explosions. Varley prevails. Varley tries to leave the lake and collect his prize money but is drugged and kidnapped by Dawson (portrayed by Michael Rooker) and thrown into a different world: a world where survivl means everything and no-one follows the rules. Varley awakens on an island, strapped to pole, like a pig being carried to a barbeque. Surrounded by heavily-armed men, he soon learns that he and six other victims have been assembled to be contestants in the ultimate survival game: they will be hunted nightly by hunters with rifles until there is one remaining survivor, who will win a $10,000,000 cash prize! As the story unfolds, we meet the other contestants Jesse is an undercover DEA age

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