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Gift from Above (2003) - Also known as "Matana MiShamayim"

Director: Dover Koshashvili
Cast: Yuval Segal, Rami Heuberger, Moni Moshonov, Lior Ashkenazi, Ania Bukstein, Ronit Eitan, Ian Fisher, Anali Harpaz, Dover Koshashvili, Anastasia Kovelenko, Attel Kovenska, Mickey Leon, Irit Nathan Benedek, Alon Neuman, Menashe Noy, Yael Pearl, Hani Perry, Marek Rozenbaum, Michael Warshaviak, Rotem Zissman-Cohen


A group of people live like a closed tribe on the same block. They speak a rare language among themselves. They put a lot of pressure on each other to get married only within their community. They are not much concerned about obeying the country's laws. And many of them work in the same place, Ben Gurion Airport luggage department and help their community members, who do work there, to steal passengers' suitcases. The community does not have a lot of money, but its folklore is rich and its life is full of parties, sex, violence and excitement. The most exciting happening there is the operation they're plotting, step by step, for stealing cargoes of diamonds from the airplanes. The plotting includes putting all the blame on two volunteers from within the community itself.

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