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Fire City: End of Days (2015) - Also known as "Огненный город: Последние дни"

Director: Tom Woodruff Jr.
Cast: Tobias Jelinek, Danielle C. Ryan, Keely Aloña, Kimberly Leemans, Eric Edwards, Simon Sorrells, Pelé Kizy, Brionne Davis, Derrick L. McMillon, Kristin Minter, Harry Shum Jr., Jen Oda, Bob Burns, Kathy Burns, Connor Woodruff, Mary-Margaret Humes, Maria Russell, Robert Peters


Vine, a disillusioned demon, secretly lives with others of his kind in the world of humans sustained by their misery. Forced into a choice to save his brethren or an innocent human girl, the delicate balance between human and demo...

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