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Monsieur Ibrahim (2003) - Also known as "Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran"

Comedy, Drama
France (French, Turkish) 94 min
7.3 -
  - /10   - /10   0
Updated on 2023 Sep 15
  Nominated for 1 Golden Globe. Another 5 wins & 7 nominations.
Director: François Dupeyron
Cast: Omar Sharif, Pierre Boulanger, Gilbert Melki, Isabelle Renauld, Lola Naymark, Anne Suarez, Mata Gabin, Céline Samie, Isabelle Adjani, Guillaume Gallienne, Guillaume Rannou, Manuel Le Lièvre, Daniel Znyk, Françoise Armelle, Sylvie Herbert, Claude Merlin, Pascal Vincent, Tessa Volkine, Marie-Sophie Ahmadi, Maryse Deol, Gérard Bôle du Chaumont, François Toumarkine, Sylvie Debrun, Önder K. Açikbas, Jérémy Sitbon, Éric Caravaca


In a street called Blue in a very poor neighborhood in Paris, Monsieur Ibrahim is an old Muslim Turkish owner of a small market. He becomes friend of the teenager Jewish Moises, tenderly nicknamed Momo, who lives with his father in a small apartment on the other side of the street. Monsieur Ibrahim gives paternal love and teaches the knowledge of the Qur'an to the boy, receiving in return love and respect.

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