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Super Duper Alice Cooper (2014) - Also known as "Супер-пупер Элис Купер"

Director: Sam Dunn, Reginald Harkema, Scot McFadyen
Cast: Doris Buchrucker, Alice Cooper, Sheryl Cooper, Jack Curtis, The Dalai Lama, Pamela Des Barres, Dennis Dunaway, Robert Ezrin, Henk Flemming, Ella Furnier, Shep Gordon, Wolfgang Haas, Elton John, Matthias Klie, Wayne Kramer, John Lydon, Thomas Meinhardt, Andreas Neumann


Super Duper Alice Cooper is the twisted tale of a teenage Dr Jekyll whose rock n roll Mr Hyde almost kills him. It is the story of Vincent Furnier, preacher's son, who struck fear into the hearts of parents as Alice Cooper, the ul...

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