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Bollywood Queen (2002)

Director: Jeremy Wooding
Cast: Preeya Kalidas, James McAvoy, Ray Panthaki, CiarĂ¡n McMenamin, Kat Bhathena, Ian McShane, Amerjit Deu, Karen David, Lalita Ahmed, Matt Bardock, Andy Beckwith, Jo Cameron Brown, Saraj Chaudhry, Giada Dobrzenska, Fahar Faizaan, Jade Hudson, Ronny Jhutti, Tony Kennedy, Tajpal Rathore, Renu Setna, Pak Daddy


When Scottish boy Jay saves Indian girl Geena's life, sparks fly. At first they keep their relationship a secret, but soon the cross cultural romance comes under the eyes of their disapproving families. Modern London, colorful Bollywood, and '60s R&B flavors blend in this tale of forbidden love.

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