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The Silence of the Church (2013) - Also known as "Le silence des églises"

Director: Edwin Baily
Cast: Robin Renucci, Robinson Stévenin, Florian Vigilante, Astrid Whettnall, Sandrine Blancke, Bernard Eylenbosch, Eric De Staercke, Isaac Van Dessel, Baptiste Mazuel, Tristan Schotte, Fabienne Loriaux, Bruno Georis, Flora Thomas, Nicole Valberg, Michel Angely, Kevin Dudjasienski, Fabrice Boutique, Jean-Yves Girin


At the age of 12, Gabriel was sexually abused by Father Vincey, his headmaster. Fifteen years later, he is still traumatized. Constantly racked by this wrong that he has kept secret, Gabriel buys a gun and moves in near the boardi...

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