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World Traveler (2001)

Director: Bart Freundlich
Cast: Billy Crudup, Francie Swift, Nicolas Suresky, David Keith, Karen Allen, Cleavant Derricks, Richie Dye, Kaili Vernoff, Margaret Devine, Mary McCormack, Liane Balaban, James Le Gros, John C. Forman, Bert Miller, Patricia French, Shontelle Thrash, Isis Faust, BJ Mitchell, Julianne Moore, Mark R. Gray, Josie Lawson, Elijah Saucier, Yavuz Akkurt, Rachel Burttram, Linda Halaska, Chris Burns, Ron Prather, David Rivitz, Dylan Jude Sheridan


On the day of his son's third birthday, without discussion with his wife or even leaving a note, Manhattan architect Cal gets in the family Volvo and starts driving. Marriage is suffocating him. His traveling seems aimless: stopping to work construction, drinking heavily, picking up women, thinking about his wife and son but not calling them. He sometimes goes across the borderline into fantasy as he imagines resolutions to his travels. It turns out that his travel West is not altogether aimless: he has a destination and some questions to ask. Once they're answered, will he remain the mythic restless American male or re-cross the borderline to return home?

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