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Spiders (2000)

Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Israel, USA (English) 94 min
4 -
Coming Soon
Release: 27 December 2000 (South Korea)
Director: Gary Jones
Cast: Lana Parrilla, Josh Green, Oliver Macready, Nick Swarts, Mark Phelan, David Carpenter, Leslie Zemeckis, Mark Totty, Andrew Stoddard, Jonathan Breck, Steven Sullivan, Corey Klemow, Simona Williams, H. Murphy, Billy Maddox, Kate McIntyre, Nicole Tocantins, Timothy Di Pri, Denise Lerette, Jullian Simmons, Stephen David Brooks, Miss T, David Ott, Scott Alan Reiniger, Frank Murgia, Mitchell Gordon, Andrew Sugerman, Glenn Smith, Danielle Guthrie, Chris Potter


A DNA experiment on a rare breed of spider is taking place on a NASA space shuttle, when a freak meteor shower engulfs the shuttle, causing everything to go horribly wrong. One survivor is found on the ship and watched over in a secret location deep in the California desert. The problem continues, as the survivor isn't alone, as another deadly spiders climbs out of him and goes on a rampage around the ship. Curious reporter Marci Eyre must now survive, escape and warn everyone before the spider reaches outside the desert.

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