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Three Below Zero (1998)

Director: Simon Aeby
Cast: Wes Bentley, Kate Walsh, Judith Roberts, Don Creech, José Rabelo, Jack Williams, D.W. Reiser, Joseph Small


A hot summer evening in New York City: 3 people - a young drummer, a young and an old lady - accidentally meet in the cellar of an apartment house where they want to wash their clothes. Suddenly, the door of that cellar room closes and they find themselves trapped: the door can't be opened from inside. No gig for the drummer, no flight to San Francisco and to her fiancé for the young lady, no romantic dinner for the old one. So they start talking, trying to find out what kind of persons they are. I mean, they start talking, then pick on each other, then provoke each other, until the discussion resembles an inquisition. And then they change roles, and the game starts again.

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