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Grassland (2022) - Also known as "علف زار"

Crime, Drama
Iran (Persian) 1h 33min
6.7 -
  10/10   10/10   0
Updated on 2023 Mar 26
In response to the copyright complaint that we received, this download has beed removed.
Director: Kazem Daneshi
Cast: Pejman Jamshidi, Sara Bahrami, Setareh Pesyani, Tarlan Parvaneh, Mahdi Zaminpardaz, Erfan Naseri, Yasna Mirtahmasb, Maedeh Tahmasebi, Roya Javidnia, Matin Heydarnia, Sadaf Espahbodi, Farrokh Nemati, Mehran Emambakhsh, Mohammad Motazedi, Hossein Valizadeh, Ali Amir-Khalili, Mohammad-Mehdi Ahadi, Arshia Tavakoli


The truth carries a heavy burden, whether it is said that it sets off a storm, or it remains in the heart that disturbs man. Between telling the truth and revealing a secret or being silent and expedient, one is preferable to the ...

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