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The Salesman (2011) - Also known as "Le vendeur"

Director: Sébastien Pilote
Cast: Gilbert Sicotte, Nathalie Cavezzali, Jeremy Tessier, Jean-François Boudreau, Pierre LeBlanc, Pierre Mailloux, Sébastien Harvey, Alain E. Cadieux, Guy Vaillancourt, Michel Daigle, Bonfield Marcoux, Jean-Robert Bourdage, Julie Perreault, François Soucy


Marcel Lévesque, a quick-witted car salesman nearing retirement, lives to sell. He has been salesman of the month for the last sixteen years at the dealership where he has spent his career, in a declining industrial town in Lac Saint-Jean, where it's cold enough to scare away the tourists and buying a car sometimes seems completely absurd. There's just one thing on his mind: getting his beloved Detroit rides off the lot. Marcel Lévesque is a salesman from a bygone era, a man who learned his trade by telling tales - "fibs dressed up with flowers" - and making his customers happy. But a tragedy will change everything for this peddler of dreams.

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