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Clan - TV Series (2012) - Also known as "The Out-Laws"

Director: Malin-Sarah Gozin
Cast: Barbara Sarafian, Kristine Van Pellicom, Ruth Becquart, Maaike Neuville, Inge Paulussen, Dirk Roofthooft, Geert Van Rampelberg, Robbie Cleiren, Mathijs Scheepers, Tibo Vandenborre, Emilia Florentie, Steve Geerts, Sien Eggers, Gert Winckelmans, Felix Maesschalck, Herbert Flack, Stefaan Degand, Gilda De Bal


Clan draws you into the lives of the Goethals sisters, tied together by the premature death of their parents, they've clung to each other like a real clan. But ever since their fifth sister's marriage the bond has frayed. Together...

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