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Undermind - TV Series (1965)

Cast: Jeremy Wilkin, Rosemary Nicols, Denis Quilley, John Barron, David Phethean, Peter Barkworth, David Bauer, Katharine Blake, Ruth Dunning, Michael Gough, Barrie Ingham, Jeremy Kemp, Patrick Allen, George Baker, Patrick Bedford, Jeremy Burnham, Ewan Hooper, Stanley Meadows, Frank Mills, Godfrey Quigley, Margaret Whiting, Lally Bowers, Paul Curran, Derek Francis, Pauline Jameson, Delena Kidd, Hugh Latimer, George Moon, Ralph Nossek, Aubrey Richards


Personnel Officer Drew Heriot returns to England after working in Australia to discover his brother behaving oddly, to the distress of his sister-in-law Anne. Investigating together they discover that a disembodied alien force is using high frequency signals to brainwash people - including Drew's brother - into committing subversive acts, as a prelude to a full-scale invasion. Together, Drew and Anne battle to stop the acts of sabotage while trying to alert the authorities to the danger...

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