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Dogboys (1998) - Also known as "Jakthundarna "

Director: Ken Russell
Cast: Bryan Brown, Dean Cain, Tia Carrere, Ken James, Sean McCann, Richard Chevolleau, Hardee T. Lineham, Von Flores, Robbie Rox, Jody Racicot, Matthew Bennett, James Bearden, Robert Collins, Bruce Tubbe, Scott Wickware, Billy Otis, Rick Demas, Bernard Browne, Wayne Best, Roger McKeen, Raymond Hunt, Joe Matheson, Jeffrey Knight, George Ploszczansky


Julian Taylor, a Marine veteran and former middleweight boxing champion loses control in a bar fight and ends up serving time for aggravated assault in Retrieve Prison. Not long after his arrival, Julian is introduced to Captain Brown, a menacing, overbearing guard who tags him "dogboy" and orders him to a claustrophobic dormitory called the doghouse. There, Julian meets fellow inmate Willy Owens and learns that the prison's vicious attack dogs are used to catch and kill escaping prisoners. And there's more. With Captain Brown as their leader, a secret society of hunters uses the prison dogs to hunt inmates for sport and money. When Willy finds out about it, he attempts to recruit Julian as a potential ally, but not knowing that Willy is an undercover cop, Julian refuses to get involved. Eventually, Willy finds the evidence he needs to expose the scandal, but before he can act, he's savagely attacked and killed by Captain Brown's dog. Now, Julian and Willy's former colleague, ...

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