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Love and Monsters (2021)

Director: Ekaterina Krasner
Cast: Kirill Käro, Lorina Kamburova, Roman Kurtsyn, Anna Semenovich, Yan Tsapnik, Olga Vilner, Ventsislav Kovatchev, Anna Ardova, Sofya Ardova, Vyacheslav Manucharov, Dmitriy Blokhin, Grigoriy Perel, Yuliya Afanaseva, Svetlana Vishnyakova, Ivan Zabelin, Daniella Selicka


A warm sea, hot sun, a burning beauty in a police uniform and a bottle of wine are all that Yura Skvortsov needs to be happy, who has come to the resort to heal his mental wounds. Of course, there is a low season at any resort. But only here, in Bulgaria, it comes literally. First, the English dog disappears, then the lion, and then the already few tourists disappear altogether. Yura will have to defend his right to live and love in a fierce battle with unknown monsters that threaten all living things. Fortunately, the invincible monsters have one weak point: alcohol is poison for them. Now, in order to survive and defeat the unknown evil, the heroes will have to drink without getting dry.

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