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De Grote Sinterklaasfilm (2020)

Director: Lucio Messercola
Cast: Bram van der Vlugt, Joshua Albano, Giovanni Caminita, Stef de Reuver, Ailbe Duffy, Wes Mutsaars, Peter Post, Erica Terpstra, Nicole van Beest


Sinterklaas and his members of staff are fully engaged in the preparations for 'Sinterklaas eve' when the shady businessman Stan, in the presence of the mayor, orders everyone to leave their castle immediately. But not to worry; Stan has arranged a different location for them, so they can continue the preparations for the festivities. Hogepief is relieved, but his heart skips a beat when it turns out that their new home is just a patch of grass with some tents and a portable toilet. At their "camping site", everybody is trying to figure out what to do. Baking pepernoten on a camping gas stove takes a very long time and Sinterklaas is getting stiff from the camping chairs. But that's not the worst: they can't reach the presents and sweets, so Sinterklaas Eve is in danger. Kiki and Paco Post don't trust all this is and decide to go investigate. Time is running out, the bulldozers are ready to start the first demolition work. But is the castle really on the verge of collapse or is there .

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