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Beth Stelling: Girl Daddy (2020)

Director: Payam Benz, Payman Benz
Cast: Beth Stelling


Conan O'Brien's Team Coco presents Beth Stelling in an artfully hilarious hour about family, society, and the exes who've shaped her. Thirteen years into her career as a stand-up, Stelling has been called a "female comic" so many times that if she ever has kids they might as well call her "girl daddy." Stelling responds to her co-comedians' lazy, fear-driven #MeToo material by guiding her audience through the humorous side of tough conversations around consent, chauvinism, and women's bodily autonomy. Let your new friend Beth explain it all in her first hour-long stand-up special: a razor-sharp skewering of life today as a woman.

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