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The Lion Guard Drama King - TV Series (2021)

Cast: Cullen Cummings, Beatriz Ruiz Alonso, Cynthia Barnett, Zoe Liza Bloom, Bronwyn Christmann, Tom Davies, Tahlari Edwards, Lillia Evans, Jasmine Horton, Martin Lynn, Susan McPherson, Ally Midgley, Kareena Naidu, Kaylee Rozan, Alex Rush, Noah Stewart, Umer Tayyab, Alyssa Tijerina, Sam Winters, Dallas Messenger


Get ready for a new adventure with Kion and The Lion Guard as they return in this new series. There are new villains being introduced into the story. Wazimu is the leader of the Dark Lands, he has a plan in place to destroy Kion and the Tree of Life in an unexpected way. There will be chaos, death, and a whole lot more. Drama will unfold with a simple mistake. Kion will face a new responsibility that will impact his life in an unexpected way. The outcome will be a surprise you don't wanna miss.

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