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Dog Jack (2010)

Director: Edward T. McDougal
Cast: Louis Gossett Jr., Benjamin Gardner, Frank Kasy, Kenneth Craig, Eddie Huchro, Kevin Holmen, Joe Gandurski, Stephen Schuch, Shane Kenyon, Gregory Winston, Jeannette Blackwell, Paul Jaquith, John Corcoran, Eddie Staver, Jeffrey Boehm, Olindo Alo, Sam Dyer, Alex Orlebeke, Chuck Patella, Kevin Steck, Gregory Hardigan, Dieterich Gray, William Sidney Parker, Adam Kozlowski, Charles Ramsey, Bill Moor, Jan Rose, Herb Porter, Philip Brannon, Samuel Williams


This is the story of a slave boy and his dog who escape the master's plantation, join the Union Army, and have to face their former master on the battlefield. The story is inspired by the historical true-life adventures of the beloved mascot of the Pennsylvania 102nd, who was so prized by his regiment for his skills in battle, that he was twice exchanged for a Confederate prisoner of war.

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