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Southie (1998)

Director: John Shea
Cast: Donnie Wahlberg, Rose McGowan, Anne Meara, Lawrence Tierney, John Shea, James Michael Cummings, Will Arnett, Amanda Peet, Jere Shea, Josh Marchette, Steven Kozlowski, Jay Giannone, Robert Wahlberg, David Fitzgerald, Steve Sweeney, Lenny Clarke, Sue Costello, Brian Goodman, Mary Flavin, Jeffery Cook, Amy Stiller, Kipley Wentz, Lawrence Bain, Mannie Corrado, Bo Cleary, Janet Giannone, Martin Mullen, Matthew Mullen, Katie MacIntosh, Patrick Hayes


South Boston Irish bad boy Danny Quinn returns back home from New York and gets stuck between his pals, who are supported by one Irish mafia clan, and his family, which are members of another.

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