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Mariposa (2020)

Director: Fajar Bustomi
Cast: Angga Yunanda, Adhisty Zara, Dannia Salsabila, Abun Sungkar, Junior Roberts, Syakir Daulay, Ariyo Wahab, Irgi A. Fahrenzi, Ersa Mayori, Baim, Iszur Muchtar, Ruth Permatasari, Yudha Keling, Diaz Danar, Aris Nugraha


Iqbal Guanna is like a Mariposa butterfly to Natasha Kay Loovy or Acha. Each time someone approach, he always runs away. Acha is determined to win Iqbal, a man known to be handsome, smart, yet cold. Acha's best friend, Amanda, tries to prevent Acha from approaching Iqbal. She is sure that even if Iqbal's heart is as hard as stone, Acha is the water that drips on it all the time, until the stone breaks and accepts her.

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