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Cleopatra in Space - TV Series (2019-2020)

Cast: Lilimar, Katie Crown, Jorge Diaz, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Kari Wahlgren, Dee Bradley Baker, Xolo Maridueña, Sumalee Montano, Jonathan Kite, Alex Cazares, Zach Callison, Elise Dubois, Karan Brar, Dawnn Lewis, David Shaughnessy, Candi Milo, Ace Gibson, John DiMaggio, Marieve Herington, Gunnar Sizemore, Lucas Grabeel, Amy Hill, Paul Rugg, Andrew Morgado


Cleopatra in Space is a comedic adventure focusing on the untold story of Cleopatra's teenage years. Viewers can follow Cleo as she is transported 30,000 years into the future, to an Egyptian-themed planet that is ruled by talking cats and where she discovers she is the prophesied savior of the future world. In order to prepare for her role and mission, Cleo is sent to an elite academy where she has to train to take on the bad guys, figure out how to eventually get herself back home to Egypt, as well as tackling the highs and lows of being a teenager in high school.

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