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Indecent Behavior III (1995)

Drama, Thriller
USA (English) 92 min
4.3 -
Coming Soon
Release: 19 December 1995 (USA)
Director: Kelley Cauthen
Cast: Shannon Tweed, Sam Hennings, Colleen Coffey, Doug Jeffery, Griffin Drew, Charles Lucia, Rebecca Ferratti, Jane A. Rogers, Beau Billingslea, Laura Rogers, Danny Stone, Robert Munns, Jennifer Ladell, Pía Reyes, Jack Leal, Kelli Hoffman, Brion James


Sex therapist Rebecca Mathis returns in the third and final INDECENT BEHAVIOR film, which has the good doctor getting arrested on falsified drug charges as she then reluctantly accept a plea deal to be freed and have all of the charges dropped in favor of aiding an investigating police detective Frank Pavan on his pursuit of a phantom killer who is killing female sex therapists.

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