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The Amazing Panda Adventure (1995)

Director: Christopher Cain
Cast: Stephen Lang, Ryan Slater, Yi Ding, Wang Fei, Zhou Jian Zhong, Yao Er Ga, O Mi Jia Can, Cheu Gang, He Yu, Yeh Hui, Shou Wei, Isabella Hofmann, Brian Wagner, Joanne Dorian, Doug Abrahams, John Willett, Za Xi Wan Dui, Yu Lang, Li Zhen Dou, Ding San An, Lang Ping, Daniella Evangelista


Young American Ryan Tyler visits his zoologist father on a panda preserve in China while on summer vacation and gets involved in the rescue of a baby panda from unscrupulous poachers who want to murder the cub's mother and sell the baby to a zoo. Ling, a young Chinese girl, and her grandfather help in the rescue which, if successful, will ultimately result in saving the reserve from being shut down by officious bureaucrats.

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