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Two Words as the Key (2023) - Also known as "Dve slova jako klíc"

Adventure, Drama, Mystery
Czech Republic, Slovakia, United States, Poland, Japan, India (Czech, English, Japanese, French) 1h 33min
6.3 -
Coming Soon
Release: July 27, 2023 (Czech Republic)
Director: Dan Svátek
Cast: Pierre Richard, Daniel Olbrychski, Marika Soposká, Jana Nagyová, Ivan Franek, Gen Seto, Jaroslav Dusek, Tim Halvorsen, Diana Dulinková, David Svehlík, Eugene G. Swiss Thomas, Terezie Vraspírová, Tyrone Marquez, Yuki Iwasaki, Kazuya Kitamura, Allan Kneefel, Aman Lau Lau, Oliver Ball


A film about the search for life and family relationships. About the unknown forces that guide our steps, about humility and destiny that reaches the edge of the mysterious, where reality dissolves into illusion and illusion into ...

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