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Cornered (2021)

Director: John Henry Westhead
Cast: John Henry Westhead, Ben Gardner Gray, Sarah Leigh, Karolina Kula, Donal Cox, Paul Coster, Aislinn De'ath, Mark Keegan, David Fox, Michal Svoboda, Emma Galliano, Monika Miles, Charles Mooney, David Abiose, Cecily Thomas, Quinn Westhead, Joshua Morrison, Gezim Gojnovci, Zachary Westhead, Mark Ramsay, Antonina, Antonina Szulc


New book CORNERED alleges musician Brian Corner did not die in 1991, that his death was a set up. Peter, paparazzi, believes he has found Corner. He follows him in hopes of exposing him and landing the big pay day he has been longing for.

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