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I'm Gonna Explode (2008) - Also known as "Voy a explotar"

Director: Gerardo Naranjo
Cast: Juan Pablo de Santiago, Maria Deschamps, Martha Claudia Moreno, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Rebecca Jones, Renato Ornelas, Gustavo González, Carlos Narro, Denis Soto, Mauricio Porras, Ximena Romo, Jana Sosnowski, José Garcia Garcia, Raúl Ortiz, Alejandro Illescas Calderón, Rogelio Bravo Orozco, Marcela Espeso, Anajosé Aldrete Echevarria, Alejandra Benitez Madrigal, Eva Prudencio Ruiz, Evangelina Zaldivar Trejo, Antonio Pescador Canto, Héctor Dávila, Pedro 'Zulu' González, Manuel Cepeda Salinas, Oscar Leonardo Saucedo


Tale of a young couple who throw caution to the wind and set out in search of their true fate. Román is the son of a contemptible, right-leaning congressman. Recently enrolled in a new high school, the rebellious teen clumsily attempts to hang himself on-stage at the big talent show. Maru is the sole member of the audience to applaud, earning both students a day of detention. After bonding during the course of their punishment, Román and Maru grab daddy's gun, steal a Volkswagen, and hit the road bound for nowhere.

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