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Hell House LLC III: Lake of Fire (2019)

Director: Stephen Cognetti
Cast: Gabriel Chytry, Elizabeth Vermilyea, Sam Kazzi, Theodore Bouloukos, Brian David Tracy, Bridgid Abrams, Leo DeFriend, Jordan Kaplan, Danny Bellini, Ryan Jennifer Jones, Gore Abrams, Jared Hacker, Joe Bandelli, Scott Richey, Olivia Roldan, Adam Schneider, Adam Schneider, Joy Shatz, Jillian Geurts, Dan Dobransky, Joe Walz, Duane Nakia Cooper


Nine years after the tragic events of Hell House, the Abaddon Hotel will once again be open to the public. Billionaire Russell Wynn has taken his audience-interactive show, Insomnia, into the abandoned hotel. Russell invites journalist Vanessa Shepherd to film an exclusive behind-the-scenes documentary of the production. What she uncovers will shed light on Russell's true intentions for relocating his show to the Abaddon and the evil waiting to be unleashed.

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