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Zapped Again! (1990)

Director: Doug Campbell, Jake Hooker
Cast: Todd Eric Andrews, Kelli Williams, Reed Rudy, Maria Maestas McCann, David Donah, Ira Heiden, Rossie Harris, Linda Larkin, Michael Harris, Michael Colyar, Brent Hinkley, Sue Ane Langdon, Linda Blair, Karen Black, Lyle Alzado, Heather Jane MacDonald, Shannon Wilcox, Lucy Boryer, Robin L. Dimension, Ronald Lisell, Tina-Desiree Berg, Bob Buchholz, Eric Cahan, Lisa Gal, Joshua Weisel


A new kid moves into school, making enemies with the affluent societies and joining the beleaguered Science Club. But when an old potion is discovered to confer telekinetic power he gets the chance to get his own back, as well as having a bit of fun on the side.

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