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One Last Prayer (2020)

Director: Myron Davis
Cast: Niles Rivers, Jessica Craig, Mikhail Tot, Bobbie Dancy, Meggan Conti, Brianna Reed, John Busser, Jon Mazur, Layla Cushman, Kayla Moore, Ariel Brent, Khimani Chism, Macy Davis, Myron Davis, Alex DeCourville, Lacey Dietz, Jesse Dill, Mason Fabian, Alvin J. Frazier II, Jeannine Gaskin, Billie Gilliam, Shafron Hawkins, Jamaa Letiff, Eileen Lorene, Melvin Mason, Brande Midgett-Crosby, Nigel Newsome, Devan Ofcar, Sofia Plass, Mike Stoval


A hot-tempered father with a sordid past learns that his daughter has a rare illness and he doesn't have the resources to pay for treatment. He finds himself faced with a choice, return to life in the streets or continue on a path of faith.

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