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The Realm of Fortune (1986) - Also known as "El imperio de la fortuna"

Director: Arturo Ripstein
Cast: Ernesto Gómez Cruz, Blanca Guerra, Alejandro Parodi, Zaide Silvia Gutiérrez, Socorro Avelar, Juan Antonio Llanes, Carlos Cardán, Loló Navarro, Edmundo Barahona, Raymundo Gómez Cruz, María Barber, Jorge Fegán, Alfonso Godínez, Emilio Ebergenyi, José Ruvinskis, Abel Woolrich, Raúl Valerio, José Escandón


A very poor and handicaped man, lives in a small town in Mexico with his mother. He works announcing things along the town ("The priest lost his cow, if someone sees it ..."). He is very interested in the cock fightigs. One day a ...

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